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2009 Mosquito Bed Nets Project

The 2009 Mosquito Bed Net project "One Net One Life" project has ended. We were pleased to partner with United Nations Association of the Democratic Republic of Congo (UNA-DRC) to save lives from malaria in Eastern Congo.

Materials for Teachers - For Bed Nets and Malaria Awareness

Here are some resources for high school teachers to help you educate about malaria in D.R. Congo and give you ideas to help save lives with bed nets by fund raising with your students.

Malaria Project Materials for Classrooms Details

PowerPoint Presentation

A Teacher's Packet PowerPoint presentation about Malaria Intervention in D.R. Congo - for high school students. (3.8Mb download)

Instructor's Guide The Instructors Guide is the suggested lesson that teacher's may use while showing their students the PowerPoint Presentation about Malaria Intervention for D.R. Congo.
Nets for Congo:
Ning Social Network Web Site

The Congo Cause Ning Web Site: Your students can create their own social networking web site to create groups, share ideas for fund raising, meet other students, and network.

This Social Networking web sites have all the tools students might need to create their own pages, blog, chat, post videos, music, photos, and more.

Video of Nets Being Given in Eastern Congo

2008 Bed Net Video: Here is a short video from UNA-DRC's bed net distribution in eastern Congo in May of 2008.

This exciting video shows the crowds of people in one village, who were hoping to receive a bed net. This inspiring video shows how a simple net can bring life, hope, and joy to families in the devastated Goma-Kivu region of eastern Congo.

English Version

Bed Net Animation - A Two Minute Animation Watch our bed net "ad" animation - A short two minute Flash animation that helps us realize the importance of saving children and babies with just a $5 or $10, the cost of lunch.
Best Buy @15 Scholarship Program

Best Buy just launched a "New teen-led social change platform called @15™ with the mission to ensure opportunities for young teens across four dimensions of adolescence: education, life skills, leadership and relationships. Best Buy wants to help students prepare for a brighter future, which starts with a college education."

To qualify, among other things, students should:

  • Have made extraordinary contributions both inside and outside of the classroom.
  • Demonstrate commitment to and involvement in volunteer community service or work experience
  • Demonstrate exemplary community service or work experience

We think that Mosquito Bed Net fund raising is a great way to participate in social action, community service, and global awareness.

Press Release Press Release for Talk by Cissa Wa Numbe on March 14, 2009
Iroquois High School, Louisville, Kentucky In the 2009 edition of "Best Foot Forward" section of the Iroquois High School's Newsletter, our friend, high school teacher, Doug Hart and his classrooms raised fundsfor mosquito bed nets. Cissa Wa Numbe visited Iroquois High School during his itinerary to the United States.
University of Michigan Flint Biology Class Many thanks to Dr. Pace's 2009 Biology class at University of Michigan Flint. The 2009 student team joined The Congo Cause in savings lives from malaria in eastern Congo.


More Resources

Read about the Malaria Prevention mission given to our partner, UNA-DRC

Click here to download a letter (French Version) from the Congolese Department of Health to UNA-DRC regarding UNA-DRC's malaria prevention project for 2009.

English version forthcoming in a few days.

Video: A video interview: Cissa Wa Numbe, Director (Secretary General) of the United Nations Association of the Democractic Republic of Congo (UNA-DRC) explains the screening process and decision criteria they use while working with local community groups and authorities to find and determine the needly woman and children who qualify for a free mosquito bed net.

Direct Link on YouTube

Please visit our links page for more information about malaria in Eastern Congo.

Donations: Our Fiscal Sponsor is The Global Center. (501c3 #13-3580901). If you need a receipt and mailing address for your gift, please Contact us.

Millennium Goals links:

Goal 4: Reduce child mortality.

Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.

from mosquito bed net distribution, May 2008.



Questions: Contact